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Child Safety

Child Protection Overview

Your child's safety is more than just a priority: It is The priority. Failing to keep your child safe is not an option. This means that your life is dedicated to keeping them safe, which requires a daily effort to educate yourself and the rest of your family to the ways of sexual deviants. It is this way, as a family unit, that you stand the best chance of combatting this prevailing issue.

That's where we come in. Family Safety Club, with its daily updates of neighborhood sex offenders along with other helpful information, provides you with that extra edge you so desperately need. You'll be able to sleep easier knowing the face, name, address and other pertinent details of the suspicious men milling around your schools and thoroughfares.

Still, just having information about these perpetrators does not mean they won't strike. There's no book or program you can just give your children to elude these criminals. Instead, it takes a daily dose of education to fully get the point across to your child about the real threat of sex offenders. Consider this threat to be as commonplace as the threat of drugs or bullies at school. This means making your child aware of what kind of stranger to be wary of, online or in real life, and what steps to take when these strangers get too close or worse, seek to harm them.

This may sound like a big undertaking, and in reality it is. You just have to remind yourself that, in the end, your children are all that really matters, and that failing them is the ultimate sin.

Child Protection

Keeping Your Children Safe

Protecting your children from harm is instinctual and part of our human nature. The day they are born your life changes irrevocably, putting a human life in your hands, literally and figuratively. The pressure of this kind of responsibility can be too much for some, which makes the threat of sex offenders like pedophiles all the more frightening. These monsters have no sympathy for parents or child guardians and the insatiable desire to prey on children can make the lives of parents a living hell.

The FBI has made leaps and bounds in the past 10 years in the fight against sex offenders, and have gone so far as to make a database with all the sex offenders across america being registered (400,000 thus far). Unfortunately, These criminals make it their job to escape the law and a reported 100,000 of these registered sexual deviants have either gone missing or changed their identity, foiling the law at every turn. what this means for parents is simple: Take matters into your own hands and find a creative and responsible course of action to protect your children.

Here is a quick list of suggestions you could use to help better protect your children:

  1. It's proven fact: A high percentage of pedophiles, rapists and other sex offenders had had a relationship of some kind with their victims. What this means is that the people whom you thought you trusted or wanted to trust may in fact be the ones you need to be a little more suspicious of.
  2. The sex offender is smarter than you could ever imagine, which is why you have to be that much smarter and more prepared than they are. What you need to do be sure of is where your child is at all times, and to be watching them constantly. The best way to accomplish this is to surround yourself with friends you can really trust so they can watch them.
  3. Educating your child is maybe the most important action to take. If they are well informed with what action to take when confronted with a stranger who seeks to do them harm, chances are greater that this harm will be avoided.
  4. Prevention rather than eradication is definitely the strategy here. For instance, you can't really ban your child from using the Internet. Some way or another, in today's society, children will find a way to get access to it. It is therefore a priority for the parent to become an expert on the subject, meaning learning the ins and outs of chat rooms, forums and other such social networking sites.
  5. Nobody said raising a child was going to be easy. Far from it. at Family Safety Club we promote education and community as being the cornerstones of a safe and happy neighborhood. It all starts with you the parent teaching your young ones about the danger of sex offenders and how to interact with strangers. Next step, surround your children with a community base of families that all share the same moral standards as well as concerns on family protection. You can't make a neighborhood safe by only worrying and thinking about yourself. Work together as a community and everybody wins!

Keeping Your Kids Safe

Stopping Sex Offenders In Their Tracks

It's a reality that can't be ignored. There are people out there that look and act like us, but whom also hold a horrible secret, the secret being that in actuality, they are sex offenders. The reason why these criminals keep getting away with these horrible acts is simple: They assimilate. They're your next door neighbor, your child's best friend's father, the apparent only friend you have in a new town. They seek to gain your trust in order to get closer to your children.

75% of all sex violence acts occur at either the victim's or the aggressors house. This stat is so important because it shows the level of commitment the aggressor is willing to achieve in order to gain the victim's trust. This is why it is that much more imperative for you as a parent to properly educate your child about the threat of sex offenders. That's not to say that you shouldn't let them talk to strangers or make friends with people they don't know, but there is a way to be smart about it.

Here are some suggestions on how to keep your child safer:

  1. For starters, if you have a good relationship with your child, your off to a good start. Try as hard as you can to make them feel comfortable enough to tell you about the goings on at school and elsewhere. That way, you'll be the first to know if they meet someone worth worrying about.
  2. Keep in mind that you live in a community filled with other families who have the same concerns as you. Use them to your advantage by building strong relationships with them. A safe child is one that is never alone. Make sure your children integrate well at school and make friends that they can walk home with and play with at recess.
  3. God forbid your child gets lost and finds themselves alone somewhere, but if they do, make sure they know how to read a compass or at least can read and understand road signs. Having some sort of ID tag on their person is also highly recommended.
  4. Lastly, it's integral to address the Internet as a potential area of danger for your child. In fact, the anonymous nature of the Internet makes for a perfect sex offender breeding ground. Social networking arenas allow for predators to see you without you seeing them, an opportunity that rarely presents itself in real life situations. This means that your child is a constant target as long as he or she is online. Take the necessary precautions to make the Internet a safer place by putting parent locks on certain chat rooms and by explaining to your child about who and who not to talk to.

Supervising Your Children Online

Protect Your Children from Internet Sex Offenders

As much we'd like to believe we can't live without it, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. It's reached the point, even, that the Internet works as a sort of fail-safe to all our daily problems and questions. Don't know something? Check the Internet. Unfortunately, all is not well with the Internet. In particular, it has become a safe haven for sexual deviants, who prey on anyone naive enough to talk to them and even give them their personal information.

To make matters worse, social networking programs like Facebook and Myspace have become so popular among pre-teens and adolescents, that it is practically unheard of to not be at least somewhat visible. With so many people online perusing these sites, to distinguish the good from the bad has become increasingly more difficult. It becomes, thus, the responsibility of the parent to properly educate their child about the dangers of online chatting.

Below is a list of helpful tips that will hopefully keep your child's time on the Internet safe.

  1. Educate your child about the risks of online predators. This should be the first talk you have the instance you find out that your child has begun to peruse the Internet.
  2. You can't expect your child to be smarter than a pedophile, who make it their job to outsmart children. Therefore, it is your job to not let it get to the point where cunning and intelligence play a major role. This means making sure your child does not give out any information that a potential sex offender could use to his advantage. A pedophile can't do much to your child if he doesn't know their address, school name, favorite hangouts, etc.

The bottom line is that you can't take the Internet for just another silly child's activity to wile away the time with. For some, the Internet is the perfect ambiguous place to do very, very bad things. The numbers don't lie: 1 in 7 children were recently reported to have been solicited in a sexual manner online last year. Think about that the next time one of your children locks themselves in their room for the entire night to "play" on the Net. It's integral, thus, to keep the lines of communication open with your child. If not, they could easily be the next "1 in 7" reeled in by a dangerous criminal.

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